The Department of Chemistry, State University of Maringá (DQI) was created in 1972, when it was part of the  Institute for Science and Technology - ICET, which was created in 1969. Initially, the Department offered  the degree in Chemistry, but from 1979 the Bachelor's degree was lunched. In 1987 was created the Master's degree in Applied Chemistry. From 2001 the Doctor's degree in chemistry was implemented creanting the Graduate Program in Chemistry.

This expansion of the Department was possible thanks to an internal policy of prioritizing teacher training, which began in the first years of the 70s. Thus, in 1974, the DQI promoted as a first investment in the qualification of its teachers, conducting an Improvement Course taught by faculty visitors from Germany, in partnership with CAPES/JULICH-KFA.

Since 1980, the DQI and UEM have invested regularly in teacher training with their own resources through the PACD (Incentive Program for Teacher Training).

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